Childhood, Kung Fu and Epiphany

On a whim, I began netflixing the old TV series “Kung Fu” with David Carradine. As I’ve been ticking off the seasons and the episodes, they all had this feeling of familiarity. Then it dawned on me that I used to watch it all the time when I was like 7 or 8. As KwaiContinue reading “Childhood, Kung Fu and Epiphany”

A Tribute to Gary Gygax: Father of Dungeons and Dragons

It was 1982 when I was introduced to Dungeons and Dragons at Camp Longhorn when I was in Boy Scouts. My friend Brian was my first Dungeonmaster (this was a year before I learned what BDSM was from Oui magazine). The game was a revelation for a pubescent boy. It was a world where youContinue reading “A Tribute to Gary Gygax: Father of Dungeons and Dragons”

The finer art of Transcription.

Since returning to Portland, I’ve fallen into transcribing the 45 hours or so of one-on-one interviews I compiled during my fieldwork studying the improv scene of Rochester, NY.  When I look at the numbers, it seems daunting.  When I look at how much time I have before I absolutely need to have a job, itContinue reading “The finer art of Transcription.”

When online quizzes get it right.

I Am A: Neutral Good Human Druid (6th Level) Ability Scores: Strength-15 Dexterity-15 Constitution-15 Intelligence-15 Wisdom-16 Charisma-15 Alignment:Neutral Good A neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. He is devoted to helping others. He works with kings and magistrates but does not feel beholden to them. Neutral good is theContinue reading “When online quizzes get it right.”

Favorite quote from an audience interview.

Ok.  So I’m in the midst of doing interviews of audience members from Improv shows out here.  Here’s a great one from the voice of the uninformed and uninitiated about suggestions.  This was this guy’s first “professional” improv show he had ever seen.  “I like it when they don’t take those suggestions like ‘gynecologist’ andContinue reading “Favorite quote from an audience interview.”

Brad’s first marriage

So my good friend Tim, whom I’ve been friends with since 1981, is marrying his fiancee, Virginia.  For this reason, I got ordained by the Universal Life Church to officiate their wedding.  Tim and I grew up together in Wisconsin.  We met in catholic grade school, played AD&D throughout high school, and hung out andContinue reading “Brad’s first marriage”

A Gaming Wedding

This weekend in Iron Mountain, Michigan one of my buddies from high school is getting married.  Dan is a part of phase four of my role playing/video gaming life before I channelled all of that energy into improv.  Phase four took place from 1992-1995.  Phase one began in 1980 to give you some scope. WhenContinue reading “A Gaming Wedding”