Let’s Work Together

People hire me for a lot of different things. Here are a few of the things I’ve done with applying improvisation:

  • Created and given tours by foot, bus, and kayak
  • Developed and taught artistic improv classes for all levels and ages
  • Created community building programs for refugees
  • Trained healthcare innovators on how to engage their clinics in more fruitful ways
  • Worked with doctors on relationship building with their patients and coworkers
  • Helped female leaders center their power better in male-dominated contexts
  • Done research on communities using improv exercises as a modality for investigation
  • Social justice education through using interactive theater and facilitating community dialogue

If something seems like it would be a fit for your needs, send me a message and we can develop a program for you. For a more complete accounting of my professional background, see my CV and Acting Resume below.

Curriculum Vitae
Acting Resume

2 thoughts on “Let’s Work Together

  1. Hi Brad. How are ya? So Im at a point in improv where Im feeling the need for an intensive coach session to help me move through some snags. Do you do that? Do you have a recommendation? Im looking for building a tool box of characters, and getting to a place of confidence so I dont get stuck when I get thrown a curve ball. Thoughts about that? Hope youre well. Thank you for considering!


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