Amsterdam in Retrospect

Have some time on my layover to do a quick share. The conference was great. It was an amazing learning experience. There was so much good information, and it was totally awesome connecting with friends both new and old.

People were really affected by my talk, and it sparked a lot of reflection and discussion. I was given one of the highest compliments that I’ve ever received, passionate madman. Of course, I also had time to soak up Amsterdam’s charm. Thank you to all the generous and wonderful people in Portland and Amsterdam for making this trip possible. I couldn’t have done it without you!!!

Published by bradfortier

Educator, Anthropologist, Entertainer who lives in Portland Oregon.

One thought on “Amsterdam in Retrospect

  1. Hi Brad, I’m wondering if there’s an easy way for you to cross-post this to your AIN blog (which you have automatically as a member).
    Cheers, paul z


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